I - Integrity (Team, Community, Data)

  • Our team maintains a high standard of integrity in our data and respect for the environment and our work with each other, our partners, and our collaborators.

C - Community

  • We value inclusivity and diversity in community and strive to bring groups of people together to accomplish something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

C - Collaboration

  • Collaboration is key to growing our knowledge and understanding. We work with groups who can benefit from our access and expertise, including civilians/citizens, community groups, and research and trade organizations.

C - Communication

  • We respect each other and actively encourage open and honest communication within our team. We strive for clear, efficient and effective communication with all partners, including the feedback of project outcomes.

I - Inspiration

– We bring enthusiasm and passion to the cause. We use our love and commitment to the polar regions to inspire both ourselves and others to take action towards its protection.

Climate Change Statement

The study of Polar Regions has never been more important due to human-induced changes to the global climate. These regions are experiencing dramatic changes with global implications because they are closely coupled to other parts of Earth’s environment through the oceans and atmosphere. The Polar Citizen Science Collective supports projects that enhance understanding of the role of the Polar Regions in the global earth system including impacts caused by human-induced climate change.

The Polar Collective and the data that we collect, support the human influence on the warming climate as per the IPCC reports (https://www.ipcc.ch/report/sixth-assessment-report-working-group-i/)