Antarctic Snow Algae Study

  • Where: Antarctic

  • Platform: Shore, ship, small boat

  • Level: Easy

What is it all about?

The Antarctic Snow Algae Study aims to create a baseline database documenting the temporal and spatial occurrence of snow algae along the Antarctic Peninsula.

Snow algae play a significant role in the environment by increasing the absorption of sunlight leading to an enhanced melting of snow. There is strong evidence that warming Antarctic temperatures may be intensifying their growth.

Researchers often rely on satellite images to monitor snow algae, but clouds in the Antarctic sky frequently inhibit clear images.

 The study offers you a unique opportunity to participate in important data collection that will be used to close data gaps and verify satellite mapping to understand how snow algae are responding to a changing climate.

Project partners: The Antarctic Snow Algae Study is supported by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs NSF CAREER Award #2046240.

Project website: